Veteran's Day / PEARL HARBOR OrienteErering Meet

1. FIRST register your team here :
(deadline is 18 October 2019)
2. Then add your runners to the :
(deadline is noon 4 November 2019)
Might as well go ahead and do it now! If you don't know your team yet, then simply use a placeholder for your runner; i.e., Henry County Green #1 under the name column, until such time as you have identified your runner. You may edit as many times as need to prior to noon on 4 November 2019 at which time the list closes. Regardless, at least put in your placeholders so that we may have an accurate count of runners for meet planning purposes and course starting times. Thanks so much!
2. Submit the required fee. Mail a check to:
Eagles Landing High School
ATTN NJROTC (QMC Leatherman)
301 Tunis RD
McDonough GA 30152