Greeting Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
As we approach the final term for this school year, we want to ensure that everyone understands what is needed for CREDIT RECOVERY in NJROTC.
Major Project Credit Recovery
- Empty Stocking Fund (ESF) Drive which we had great support for and raised over $1000.00 more than last year. If your student did not participate, their alternate assignment was to hand-write an 8 page paper on any charitable organization. Therefore if you see a “zero” under ESF, their credit recovery is to complete the 8 page paper (for 80% credit).
- Annual Military Inspection was a one-time major project which has no credit recovery. Letters and emails went home in addition to phone calls for those who did not participate with the required preparation process.
- Military Exhibit was a project held in JROTC from March 5-8 where the student had a chance to tour the exhibit and ask questions (on their worksheet) from the presenters. Then they had to do a 1 full page essay about something they learned. To get the max point, cadets need to express what they learned, not rewrite the questions from the question worksheet. To earn full credit, the cadet had to turn in worksheet questions-100 and essay-200 for credit recovery.
Uniform Credit Recovery
Cadets are required to where their uniform every Thursday during second semester. Their lowest uniform grade from second semester will replace their low grade from first semester. If they do not wear their uniform every Thursday, SNSI has make up days where cadet will be allowed to "opt out" for community service and wear their uniform for a make-up grade.
Physical Training Credit Recovery
This is a weekly activity done only on Friday. If the cadet is absent, they get a topic which requires a 2-page handwritten essay. In order to qualify for credit recovery, the cadet must dress out every Friday the remainder of this semester and participate with training. They will be given a topic and must complete a 4-page handwritten paper. Credit recovery will only to be once the final dress out a designated in the Plan of the Week (POW). Note we have a Physical Readiness Test worth 300 point on Wednesday, March 28-no makeup.
Test Credit Recovery
We have been working on test/quizzes to help the cadets improve their basic knowledge. As we continue this practice, we have also set aside a final hand written test over every subject during the week of April 30 – May 4 (one subject per day-check POW for subject). This will allow the cadet to demonstrate mastery of the topic and will replace prior lower grades.
May 4, 2018 is the final day for any make up work turn in. We will begin working from the gym while AP testing is going on in JROTC. FINAL EXAMS are May 23-25. This is an oral response test like they did for Mid-Term Exam along with the final uniform inspection which will be held April 19.
If you have not paid your cadet's JROTC Activity Fee ($50 for first years and $40 for 2-4 year cadets), please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please email or call the JROTC office at 770-914-9690.
Naval Science Instructors