Eagles Landing NJROTC Booster Club
Welcome to Eagles Landing NJROTC Booster Club !!
Who are we? We are an organization of parents whose purpose is to support our Eagles Landing NJROTC program. We are a non-profit 501C organization that supports the Eagles Landing NJROTC financially and also by volunteering to assist where needed throughout the school year.
Why you might ask does a NJROTC Program need any help at all? Our NJROTC program is an active program, involved in all sorts of sponsored extracurriculur competitions (academic, drill, rifle and orienteering), various community service events along with orientation trips within Georgia and also outside of our state. Just look at our calendar of activities and it's clear there's plenty going on all the time.
How can I help? VOLUNTEER !! We are always looking for parental support. For example something as simple as a drill meet.... 40+ cadets at an all day competition could use an iced down water or a cold fruit snack to help refresh. Or just be there to cheer them on! Orienteering takes place at some of the best parks in state. Help transport them there and sit back in a lawn chair and enjoy nature away from the stress of the city. Or help plan and support our Awards night or Military Ball. So please "get in where you fit in."
Financially.....We are a 501C as mentioned previously. So if you shop on Amazon, there's a completely painless way (at no cost to you) to help raise donations through their "Smile" program. Please click on the button on the side that will link you up with Amazon for more information.